Flipped Active Learning Conference
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Unlock the power of the Flipped Learning Classroom at this Brand New Conference from Jeremy LeCornu and Aimee Shattock
The Flipped Active Learning Conference is a new and cutting-edge professional learning experience from Time2Learn. This is the conference that will take you from being a flipped learning newbie to a Flipped Learning Pro!
In a nutshell this conference is all about leveraging the power of the flipped classroom and exploring first-hand how to use face-to-face class time to achieve the best outcomes for your students.
The Flipped Active Learning Conference was co-created by Jeremy LeCornu and Aimee Shattock - the best of the best in the field when it comes to reaping the benefits of flipped learning in their classrooms. This is an opportunity to work closely with Jeremy and Aimee to fully appreciate the power of the flipped classroom. This event is not to be missed!
Get across strategies to achieve an active and student-centred classroom
- What is active learning? Why it makes sense in today’s classroom
- In a flipped learning classroom how to best use face-to-face class time to maximise the best learning outcomes
- Discover from the flipped learning model how you can use class time for more effective and authentic student-centred learning
- In true flipped learning style transition from the 20th Century teaching model of the ‘sage on the stage’ to the critical 21st Century Teacher- of the ‘guide by the side’ with your students
Five reasons to register now!
- Gain numerous strategies, effective tools and new approaches for making your own active learning and student-centred classrooms as a result of using the flipped learning model
- By learning by doing you will learn how to develop rich active learning experiences to challenge and stretch your students
- Be engaged and involved in an authentic flipped learning experience where you will be immersed in ideas and strategies that you can replicate back in your school straight away!
- Have exclusive access to extensive online resources that have been made specifically for this conference to use during and after the event to sustain the learning and practices long after the conference finishes
- Like other participants who have attended this conference, leave with armloads of valuable ideas, solid direction and new inspiration to turn your new knowledge into action!
Who should attend?
- K-12 teachers keen to learn the best practices for student-led active learning and who want to further their understanding in best practices around flipped learning
- Educators already harnessing flipped learning strategies in their classrooms and wanting to take their flipped learning context to the next level
- School leaders motivated to lead by doing
- All educators wanting to expand and discover how to engage students in more authentic learning experiences, and increase student learning outcomes and engagement
What do previous attendees have to say about this conference…
Very well versed in both pedagogical knowledge and innovative practices.
Just fantastic! It was organised into a flipped classroom setting, which worked really well. It could not have been any better! Many more should enrol and learn as much as I did!
Five stars! All the tools to assist in the classroom were very good. Since attending the conference I ran my first Socratic Seminar with my Years 3 and 4 class and it went great!
Very organised, professional and amazingly presented
I really enjoyed the two days. It was great to test out different tools to flip a classroom. Having this time to play around and try out new apps is something that is normally hard to set time aside for.
I enjoyed this PD immensely! Highly valuable resources paired with great collaboration with realistic and new ideas for classroom implementation
The Flipped Active Learning Conference was such a practical and engaging workshop from which I was able to immediately make positive changes in my teaching practice. It was great to have time to explore different techniques over the two days, and actually practise using them at my own pace. An excellent model for allowing students to be successful in our challenging and complex classrooms. The most relevant element of this conference was being given time to develop resources to use in the classroom, rather than just learning about them. This is one of the most useful and meaningful TD opportunities that I have engaged with.
Day 1: Setting the stage for Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom
Tech Tools for Flipped Mastery – Part A
In this personalised gamified session ideal for the 1:1 classroom setting you will get the opportunity to be involved in a ‘Flipped Professional Learning Classroom’. In this session you will master a range of tech tools that are relevant to today’s primary and secondary classroom while experiencing a flipped learning environment.
Tech Covered in the Flipped Mastery:
- Numerous video tools relevant for setting up the flipped learning classroom.
- Classroom work flow
- Collaboration tools
- Curation, design and creativity tools
- Tech to increase creative thinking and design
- Tech to increase opportunities for authentic learner voice
- Screen casting and interactive video platforms
- Formative assessment
- Setting up digital portfolios and various units of work in a digital format
- Tools for classroom quizzes, mind mapping and brainstorming
- Emerging tools - AR, VR and online learning
How to use BreakoutEDU to transform learning
If you haven’t experienced BreakoutEDU to its full potential - this is your chance! This is a highly interactive and engaging session in which you will learn how to use this immersive learning games platform in your classroom by participating yourself!
- Experience first-hand the collaborative and highly engaging critical-thinking activities that have you working together to complete a breakout box challenge.
- Discover how you can create student engagement and the highest state of deep learning and motivation – through achieving ‘flow’.
- Best of all, in K-12 groups, you will start planning a breakout box challenge for your students!
Day 2: Going deeper with Active Learning within the Flipped Learning Classroom
Tech Tools for Flipped Mastery – Part B
Building on the Tech Tools for Flipped Mastery from Day 1, continue this personalised and gamified session where you will go deeper into Flipped Active Learning using flipped learning specially created content. You will be naturally led to collaborate with your peers while reaching success milestones and having fun along the way, igniting your imagination about how to adapt and apply the process across both primary and secondary classrooms.
Tech Covered in the Flipped Mastery:
- Numerous video tools relevant for setting up the flipped learning classroom.
- Classroom work flow
- Collaboration tools
- Curation, design and creativity tools
- Tech to increase creative thinking and design
- Tech to increase opportunities for authentic learner voice
- Screen casting and interactive video platforms
- Formative assessment
- Setting up digital portfolios and various units of work in a digital format
- Tools for classroom quizzes, mind mapping and brainstorming
- Emerging tools - AR, VR and online learning
Staging a Socratic Seminar – Active Learning Style
Be introduced to the session participants are raving about - the highly authentic Socratic Seminar Activity, that complements the flipped learning classroom so well, and experience how to use the high-level discussion format as a powerful tool for active learning at any year level
- Together, we will explore resources and view video of students taking part in Socratic seminars.
- You will experience first-hand being in a seminar using the discussion topic of flipped active learning, and the ideas that have emerged from your experiences at the conference.
- In smaller groups, you will plan a Socratic seminar to use back at school with your students.
Interactive Afternoon format for both days:
- Dynamic Keynote Session
An experienced educator will share practical examples about how to facilitate a student-centred classroom and will answer your questions.
- Teacher Innovation Project
Your Context! Your Time! Planning an Innovation – Experience the proven success of using a problem-based learning style scaffold to identify a teaching and learning ‘problem’ and plan an innovative approach to solve the problem. This is something to take back to your classrooms and apply straight away!
- Time2Learn Sandpit Session
A popular experience at a Time2Learn conference - this highly valuable breakout time is where you take a deeper collaborative dive into an area of your choice from an array of options connected to the day’s learning. Network with peers and reinforce the day’s learning.
Meet your Flipped Active Learning Conference facilitators
About Jeremy LeCornu
Jeremy is the creator and facilitator of Time2Learn’s outstanding Flipped Learning Conference. We are delighted that Jeremy is continuing his role with us by presenting our new Flipped Active Learning Conference. We acknowledge Jeremy for his accomplishments which include:
- Implementing whole-school flipped learning in two Adelaide schools
- Leading Seaview High School in SA as Assistant Principal – Innovation, Teaching, and Learning
- Being an accomplished and highly-sought conference speaker
- Completing a Masters Thesis exploring the benefits of teacher-created video
Recent awards and recognitions include:
- Early Career STEM Educator of the Year at the South Australian Science Excellence Awards, 2013
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering South Australian Teacher Award, 2014
- EdTechSA Leading Light Award, 2014
- Apple Distinguished Educator, 2015
- In 2015 Channel Seven featured Jeremy in a news item on Flipped Learning. Watch here
- Educator Magazine- Education Leaders Rising Star, 2017
I am committed to helping others implement active and flipped learning in their schools and classrooms. Using teacher-created video enables me to maximise face-to-face class time to develop positive relationships with students and provide them with challenging learning opportunities.
Follow Jeremy on Twitter @MrLeCornu
About Aimee Shattock
Aimee Shattock is a leading flipped learning advocate and leader with a focus on innovative teaching and learning through whole-school pedagogical shift. Aimee is passionate about using digital technologies to create meaningful learning experiences for students, anywhere, anytime.
We welcome Aimee to the Time2Learn team and the depth of experience she brings, which includes:
- Psychology and English Teacher, and the Digital Learning Coordinator at Brighton Secondary School in SA
- Leading professional learning for other Brighton staff to ensure all students learn the necessary skills and mindsets for successful futures in our digital world
- Host of a popular YouTube channel and nation-wide ClickView channel where she shares entire flipped units
- An accomplished and sought-after speaker at national and state conferences
- Apple Distinguished Educator, 2017
Recent publications:
- Shattock, A, Egan, J, 2016. Stage 1 English: Creating Texts. Humans of New York. Opinion, 60/2, 4-7.
- Challinor, K, Shattock, A, 2017. Focus on Flipped Learning: Insights from Aimee Shattock and Kurt Challinor on how they are using flipped learning in their teaching. Ethos, 25/3, 14.
Flipped learning has allowed me to personalise learning for my students, teach to their interests and abilities, and most importantly, engage them in authentic, relevant and challenging learning experiences. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.
Follow Aimee on Twitter @MsShattock
One Day Registration
for all registrations before 27th November
Also includes:
- Morning Tea
- Gourmet Lunch
- Access to Resources
- Attendance Certificate (6 Hours)
Two Day Registration
for all registrations before 27th November
Also includes:
- Morning Tea
- Gourmet Lunch
- Access to Resources
- Attendance Certificate (12 Hours)
Participants will receive notes that include the activities and resources completed within the conference. Participants will receive a certificate of 12 hours of professional learning for both days or 6 hours for one day.
This conference is BYOD. A Wi-Fi connection will be available for participants to use.